Web site design and maintenance by Julie Bilbrey © 2019 - Present | Site hosted by Bilbrey Web Services

Calendar of upcoming events:​​

March  16th Shoot  sponsored by Bushwhacker (Louie S.) & Old Buzzard (Ron M.)

Updated 2/15/2025

Skinners and Guests  go to The Events page for the latest information on monthly shoots, and other Club news.

 The Skinners February shoot has been canceled due to inclement weather.

March 16th shoot will be hosted by Bushwhacker (Louie S.) & Old Buzzard (Ron M.)

​December / January Newsletter has been added to the News page.

Shoot list on events page has been updated for 2025 monthly shoots.









Greetings and Welcome to the Buckhorn Skinners!

The Buckhorn Skinners Mountain Man Club was founded in 1975 to perpetuate, emulate and further the lifestyle of the fur trade era. The primary mission of the organization is to preserve the values, skills and practices of the Fur Trade Era through sponsoring and participation of club events, community and statewide activities, education and outreach.

Our private club has about 30 active members who participate in local and state activities. We also have members who travel the country to compete in Mountain Man events and follow the trails of Lewis and Clark and the like! Club members come from all walks of life, ages, genders, and interests. The common thread that binds us is the passion that we share for the way of the Mountain Man and the Fur Trade Era.

The Fur Trade Era (prior to 1840) is characterized by primitive clothing and few possessions. The Mountain Man of yesteryear lived by his/her wits, cunning skills, knowledge and abilities to live with nature and survive off the land. Our club preserves and practices those skills through monthly re-enactments where we shoot muzzleloaders and participate in primitive activities.

Individual members have demonstrated excellence in a variety of skill areas such as shooting percussion and flintlock rifles and pistols, using the bow and arrow, throwing tomahawks and knives, setting traps, working leather into fine goods, or forging blades of steel into useful knives for hunting or daily use.

The club has five key officers that make up the executive board:

Captain:  "Walks his Gun" (Gordon Cisar)
Lieutenants:  "Old Buzzard" (Ron Mann) & "Dancing Waters" (Dale Crabb)
Treasurer:  Kathy Cisar
Scribe:  "Deacon" (Dave Hoffman)
Web Master:  Bloody Muzzle (Ron R.)

To join the Buckhorn Skinners you must attend at least six monthly shoots, participate in events, be of good character and spirit, be sponsored by a member and tolerate lots of kidding! Our bylaws require that you make an effort to outfit yourself over the first year with primitive wear. Existing members and your sponsor are eager to help you find or craft appropriate clothing, tools and firearms. Safety is a huge priority among all members. Your sponsor and other members are quick to provide guidance on safety and proper range etiquette. Members are expected to participate in regular monthly gatherings and events and also join in on workdays and other club-sponsored activities. The spirit of camaraderie runs strong among the Skinners and we're proud of the friendships that have developed among many members.  If you think that you would like to join us, come out for breakfast and meet some Skinners. You are welcome anytime to join our monthly shoot. We always have an extra rifle handy for visitors.